
G: Global N: Non-profit organizations' StratML documents from (the) WD: World are classified according to the StratML document type:

SP: Strategic_Plan

# ID Published Organization Form
001 CAPWIP 2010-02-08 Center for Asia-Pacific Women in Politics Edit
002 CASE 2010-07-24 Council for Advancement and Support of Education Edit
003 CBD 2010-02-08 Convention on Biological Diversity Edit
004 CICCP 2010-02-08 Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy, OECD Edit
005 E 2010-05-09 Egality Edit
006 FAO 2010-02-08 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Edit
007 GAPo 2010-02-08 Governance Assessment Portal Edit
008 GCICTP 2010-02-08 Global Centre for Information and Communication Technologies in Parliament Edit
009 HR-XML 2011-06-14 HR-XML Consortium Edit
010 IAAS 2010-02-08 International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences Edit
011 IABC 2010-02-08 International Association of Business Communicators Edit
012 IABC2 2014-01-08 International Association of Business Communicators Edit
013 IAGBUW 2010-02-08 W3C eGovernment Interest Group Edit
014 IAIDQ 2010-02-08 International Association for Information and Data Quality Edit
015 IASAr 2010-02-08 International Association of Software Architects Edit
016 IASSIST 2010-02-08 International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology Edit
017 IATI 2013-06-30 International Aid Transparency Initiative Edit
018 ICA 2010-02-08 International Council on Archives Edit
019 ICOM 2010-02-08 International Council of Museums Edit
020 ICRA 2010-02-08 International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture Edit
021 ICROA 2010-02-08 International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance Edit
022 ICSTI 2010-02-08 International Council for Scientific and Technical Information Edit
023 ICSTI2011 2014-01-14 International Council for Scientific and Technical Information Edit
024 ICSU 2010-02-08 International Council for Science Edit
025 IDEA 2010-02-08 International Development Ethics Association Edit
026 IDEAl 2010-02-08 International Digital Enterprise Alliance, Inc. Edit
027 IDEAlliance 2012-12-29 International Digital Enterprise Alliance, Inc. Edit
028 IECM2006 2010-02-08 International Electrotechnical Commission Edit
029 IECMO 2010-02-08 International Electrotechnical Commission Edit
030 IEEE 2010-02-08 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Edit
031 IEEECS 2012-11-04 IEEE Computer Society Edit
032 IEEEeGC 2012-10-09 IEEE eGovernment Community Edit
033 IFLA 2010-02-08 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Edit
034 IFLA2010 2013-01-17 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Edit
035 IFSAM 2010-02-08 International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management Edit
036 IHTSDO 2010-11-03 International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation Edit
037 IIASA 2010-02-08 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Edit
038 IIBA 2010-05-27 International Institute of Business Analysis Edit
039 INCOSE 2010-02-08 International Council on Systems Engineering Edit
040 INORMS 2010-02-08 International Network of Research Management Societies Edit
041 IPTC 2010-04-17 International Press Telecommunications Council Edit
042 ISF 2010-02-08 Internet Strategy Forum Edit
043 ISO 2010-02-08 International Organization for Standardization Edit
044 ISPI 2010-02-08 International Society for Performance Improvement Edit
045 ISSS 2010-02-08 International Society for the System Sciences Edit
046 ML-GPRSP-3 2013-11-03 Word Bank Edit
047 ODBIs 2013-10-31 World Wide Web Foundation Edit
048 ODBQs 2013-10-31 World Wide Web Foundation Edit
049 TAUS 2012-07-05 TAUS Edit
050 UNW 2010-02-08 UN Watch Edit
051 WB 2011-03-08 World Bank Edit
052 WBI 2011-07-03 World Bank Institute Edit
053 WE 2010-02-08 WiserEarth Edit
054 WEIG 2010-02-08 W3C eGovernment Interest Group Edit
055 WF 2010-02-08 Web Foundation Edit
056 WFLO 2010-02-08 World Food Logistics Organization Edit
057 WICI 2010-02-08 World Intellectual Capital Initiative Edit
058 WIT 2010-02-08 Women in Technology Edit
059 WPE 2010-02-08 World Parliament Experiment Edit
060 WRI 2010-02-08 World Resources Institute Edit
061 WST 2010-05-22 Wikimedia Strategy Taskforce Edit
062 WVSA 2010-02-08 World Values Survey Association Edit
063 WWWF 2013-10-01 World Wide Web Foundation Edit
064 Web3D 2010-02-08 Web 3D Consortium Edit
065 XMLGov 2010-02-08 XML Community of Practice (Discussion Draft) Edit
066 eGovIG 2010-02-08 W3C eGovernment Interest Group Edit
067 eGovIG2011-2013 2010-02-28 W3C eGovernment Interest Group Edit
068 idebate 2010-02-08 International Debate Education Association Edit