StratML/Resources/StratML Standards/Part2

Performance Plans and Reports

Building on the StratML Part1 strategic plan standard, StratML Part2 extends the standard and adds accountability related elements like measurement instances with both target and actual results, for each objective, in addition to adding role definitions for stakeholders at every level (e.g. organizations, Goals, Objectives).

Extending StratML Part1
Accordingly, StratML Part2 supports all the elements introduced in StratML Part1, adding more attributes, options and elements that allow better support for performance plans and reports, including the associated accountability.

StratML Part2 Elements
Also making more systematic use of the StratML namespace, and as described in more details in the corresponding normative StratML Part2 XML Schema: PerformancePlanOrReport, the main StratML Part2 typically repeatable elements are summarized below:

  • PerformancePlanOrReport: A document identifying inputs and processes required to accomplish objectives and establishing metrics by which progress will be assessed within a single budgetary planning and resource allocation cycle:
    • Type: Attribute whose value is one of "Strategic_Plan", "Performance_Plan", "PerformanceReport"
    • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the strategic plan
    • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining strategic plan
    • OtherInformation: Additional explanation or guidance related to the strategic plan
    • StrategicPlanCore: The strategic plan core elements:
      • Organization: The legal or logical entity to which the plan or report applies:
        • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the organization
        • Acronym: An abbreviation of a proper name, usually composed of the first letters of each word in the name
        • Identifier: A string of alphanumeric characters by which the organization information is distinguished from other versions of the same information as well as information contained in other organization instances
        • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the organization
        • Stakeholder: An individual (or group) whose interests may be affected by or whose action may be required to achieve the organization's strategic plan
          • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the stakeholder
          • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the stakeholder
          • Role: A complex element containing other elements enabling the naming, description, and categorization of different kinds of interests individuals and groups may have in the achievement of plan, report, goals, and objectives:
            • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the stakeholder role
            • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the stakeholder role
            • RoleType: An element designating whether a stakeholder is a prospective beneficiary or a performer of actions required to achieve an objective, or both a performer and a beneficiary:
      • Vision: A concise and inspirational statement implicitly relating an organization's purpose to its values, thus motivating its actions toward a future state it strives to achieve:
        • Identifier: A string of alphanumeric characters by which the vision information is distinguished from other versions of the same information as well as information contained in other mission instances
        • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the mission
      • Mission: A brief description of the basic purpose of the organization
        • Identifier: A string of alphanumeric characters by which the mission information is distinguished from other versions of the same information as well as information contained in other vision instances
        • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the vision
      • Value: A principle that is important and helps to define the essential character of the organization
        • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the value
        • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the value
      • Goal: A relatively broad statement of intended results to be achieved over more than one resource allocation and performance measurement cycle. A general goal for mission support
        • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the goal
        • Identifier: A string of alphanumeric characters by which the goal information is distinguished from other versions of the same information as well as information contained in other goal instances
        • SequenceIndicator: An alphanumeric identifier designate the goal's order in a series
        • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the goal
        • OtherInformation: Additional explanation or guidance related to the goal
        • Stakeholder: An individual (or group) whose interests may be affected by or whose action may be required to achieve the goal
          • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the stakeholder
          • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the stakeholder
          • Role: A complex element containing other elements enabling the naming, description, and categorization of different kinds of interests individuals and groups may have in the achievement of plan, report, goals, and objectives:
            • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the stakeholder role
            • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the stakeholder role
            • RoleType: An element designating whether a stakeholder is a prospective beneficiary or a performer of actions required to achieve an objective, or both a performer and a beneficiary:
        • Objective: A target level of results expressed in units against which achievement is to be measured within a single resource allocation and performance execution cycle. Strategy performance goal:
          • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the objective
          • Identifier: A string of alphanumeric characters by which the objective information is distinguished from other versions of the same information as well as information contained in other objective instances
          • SequenceIndicator: An alphanumeric identifier designate the order of the objective in a series
          • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the objective
          • OtherInformation: Additional explanation or guidance related to the objective
          • Stakeholder: An individual (or group) whose interests may be affected by or whose action may be required to achieve the objective
            • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the stakeholder
            • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the stakeholder
            • Role: A complex element containing other elements enabling the naming, description, and categorization of different kinds of interests individuals and groups may have in the achievement of plan, report, goals, and objectives:
              • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the stakeholder role
              • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the stakeholder role
              • RoleType: An element designating whether a stakeholder is a prospective beneficiary or a performer of actions required to achieve an objective, or both a performer and a beneficiary:
          • PerformanceIndicator: A measurement dimension, unit of measurement, and measurement instance specifying target and actual results, e.g., of inputs applied, outputs produced, processes conducted, and outcomes realized:
            • PerformanceIndicatorType: Attribute whose value is one of "Quantitative", "Qualitative"
            • ValueChainStage: Attribute whose value is one of "Outcome", "Output", "Output_Processing", "Input", "Input_Processing"
            • SequenceIndicator: An alphanumeric identifier designate the order of the PerformanceIndicator in a series
            • SequenceIndicator: An alphanumeric identifier designate the order of the PerformanceIndicator in a series
            • MeasurementDimension: The aspect of reality to be measured
            • UnitOfMeasurement: The scale by which measurements are divided into increments
            • Identifier: A string of alphanumeric characters by which the PerformanceIndicator information is distinguished from other versions of the same information as well as information contained in other PerformanceIndicator instances
            • Relationship: A conceptual connection between two elements that have Identifiers
              • RelationType: Attribute whose value is one of "Broader_Than", "Peer_To", "Narrower_Than"
              • Name: A word or short phrase intended to identify the relation type
              • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the relation type
              • Identifier: A string of alphanumeric characters by which the relation type information is distinguished from other versions of the same information as well as information contained in other RelationType instances
            • MeasurementInstance: A measurement at a point in time
              • TargetResult: A measurable result to be achieved on or before a specified date:
                • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the target result
                • NumberOfUnits: A numeric value (number) associated with a type of measurement
                • StartDate: The year, month, and day the target result is scheduled to begin. Typically the start of a calendar or fiscal year
                • EndDate: The year, month, and day the target result is projected to cease, if it is not subsequently extended. Typically the end of a calendar or fiscal year
              • ActualResult: A measurable result achieved on or before a specified date
                • Description: A sentence or paragraph defining and explaining the actual result
                • NumberOfUnits: A numeric value (number) associated with a type of measurement
                • StartDate: The year, month, and day the actual result is scheduled to begin. Typically the start of a calendar or fiscal year
                • EndDate: The year, month, and day the actual result is projected to cease, if it is not subsequently extended. Typically the end of a calendar or fiscal year
            • OtherInformation: Additional explanation or guidance related to the PerformanceIndicator
    • AdministrativeInformation: The strategic plan administrative information:
      • StartDate: The year, month, and day the strategic plan is scheduled to begin. Typically the start of a calendar or fiscal year
      • EndDate: The year, month, and day the strategic plan is projected to cease, if it is not subsequently extended. Typically the end of a calendar or fiscal year
      • PublicationDate: The day, month, and year a strategic plan was published in its current form
      • Source: The Web address (URL) for the authoritative source of this document
    • Submitter: The person submitting the plan in StratML format:
      • FirstName: The first name of the person submitting the plan
      • LastName: The last name of the person submitting the plan
      • PhoneNumber: The telephone number of the person submitting the plan
      • EmailAddress: The Email address of the person submitting the plan

Many resources are already available to support StratML Part2, including StratML document editing forms, including some StratML Part2 form support documentation, viewing and rendering stylesheet, as well as many more resources that can be traced through this portals' links section.

More Information
More information is also also available from other sections of the StratML portal, as well as by requesting to StratML at", where questions, comments, and suggestions are appreciated and answered.