DNAOS StratML Part2 Basic Editing Form
StratML Part2 Edit Form The DNAOS (stratedit.xml) StratML Part2 basic editing form supports the creation and editing of complete StratML Part2 compliant
Operation Control Bar Under the StratML portal header and link bar, the DNAOS StratML Part2 basic editing form provides a general description followed
by the top "operation control" bar.
Operation Controls Following the form header, and repeated for convenience at the bottom of the form, the DNAOS "stratedit.xml" StratML Part2
basic editing form operation controls consist of a
series of buttons and input fields used to control the general form operation, including, from left to right:
- "Part1/Part2": "StratML Part1" and "StratML Part2" Display Mode Button: Although the DNAOS StratML Part2 basic editing form only creates and edits StratML Part2 documents, and since StratML Part2
documents also include all StratML Part1 document information, the form can be operated in two display modes that can be toggled,
at any time, without loss of information, with the first control button on the left of the operation control bar:
- StratML Part2 Display Mode: This mode displays and edits complete StratML Part2 documents and information
- StratML Part1 Display Mode: This mode displays and edits StratML Part1 information of StratML Part2 documents
- "View": StratML Document Styled View Button: When this button is clicked, the current form content is used to build a corresponding StratML Part2 document which is then
automatically returned in a new browser pane or window. The new StatML document is typically viewed as a Web page as StratML
documents can be automatically rendered as HTML pages in browsers. Nevertheless, it is an XML-based StratML Part2 document
that can be saved to a local drive, for later retrieval and further editing and viewing. The document can typically be saved
by using the browser "Save As" command, and selecting the XML format option.
- "Load": StratML Document Local Load Button: The StratML Document Local Load Button opens a local file selector to select and load a locally saved StratML document into
the StratML Part Form, for further editing.
- "XML": StratML Document XML View Button: When this button is clicked, the current form content is used to build a corresponding StratML Part2 document which is then
automatically returned in a new browser pane or window. The new StatML document is displayed as plain XML by browsers. This
XML-based StratML Part2 document that can also be saved to a local drive, for later retrieval and further editing and viewing.
Typically, while in the browser, the click of the mouse's right button allows the document is typically saved by using the
browser "Save As" command.
- "Reset": StratML Document Reset Button: The StratML document Reset button clears the form and replaces the current document with a default blank document. Note:
The Reset button does not save the previous document, it simply replaces it with a blank one. Accordingly, care must be taken
to saving document changes before using the Reset button..
- "Help": StratML Part2 Document Form Help Button: The StratML Part2 Document Form Help Button opens a new window/pane with this current information page, summarizing the
use of the StratML Part2 Form. More information on StratML Standards, Tools, and Resources are available from theStratML Portal, on which this page can be found.
StratML Part2 Document Sections The main central part of the form structure, reflects StraML Part2 document structure, with input fields for every section
and and information element. These
sections are nested together and many can be repeated into multiple instances. It is possible, for example to define
many goals, as well as many objectives for each goal, and so on.
StratML Part2 Document Section Edit Buttons Each repeatable StratML Part2 document section is followed by related editing buttons that allow creating and deleting instances
of those sections.
More information More information and tutorials are in development and the StratML Document XML-Schema can be used for
Direct Personalized Support Direct support is available by sending a note to the DNAOS StratML team.
Open-Source The DNAOS (stratedit.xml) StratML Part2 basic editing form is designed to foster the use of StratML Part2. Accordingly, it
is licensed under the open-source "Affero General Public License".
Form Authors Based on the W3C XForms Standards, developed using XSLTForms written by Alain Couthure from Agence XML, The StrategicPlan StratML Part1 form was written and developed by Joe Carmel from the U.S. House of Representatives (retired).
Starting from this form, Andre Cusson from 01 COMMUNICATIONS INC., developed the PerformancePlanOrReport StratML Part2 form.
Download The DNAOS "stratedit.xml" StratML Part2 basic editing form can be accessed and downloaded from the following link: