Documents/OPICIT/1: IT Governance and Program Management

1: IT Governance and Program Management

Provide the management discipline to ensure that OCIO projects are fiscally responsible and meet the business needs of the OPIC lines of business.

Other Information:

OPIC will face many challenges in the years to come. It has become clear that resources, including funding and people, are limited, so it is vital to make smart investments, integrate architectures, ensure secure IT environments, ensure an adequate IT workforce to meet these challenges, and leverage resources through enterprise solutions and increased partnerships. Our ultimate commitment is to sustain and improve performance within our mission areas and guarantee efficient and effective customer-oriented business operations. We want to ensure success through viable goals and performance measures that are applied to a value chain that moves from effective management of Inputs (i.e., investment in IT resources, and maintenance of effective IT governance and control mechanisms) through the Work processes (implementation of procedures to meet rigorous standards to supply the targeted services or systems required by our customers) to accountable Results that provide successful outcomes supporting our mission. These results ultimately determine if our processes and structures can deliver the "bottom line." Meeting these challenges requires new thinking and new ways of doing business; and it requires focus: Are we fulfilling our mission? Are we delivering anticipated outcomes? Are we efficient in how we manage our programs? How do we know? Can the public review our progress? Performance Measures: The following represents the performance measures for the IT Governance and Program Management Goals: • On an annual basis, ensure the OPIC IT Strategic Plan is aligned with the OPIC Strategic Plan. If there are any revisions, ensure the OPIC IT Strategic Plan accommodates those revisions as appropriate in the next update to its OPIC IT Strategic Plan. • In FY 2007, begin marketing and communicating the final OPIC IT Strategic Plan for exposure and awareness of the IT vision and direction for IT at OPIC. • Beginning in FY 2007, develop an action plan to mature the current level of the OPIC EA. Update the plan on an annual basis to ensure consistency with OMB guidance and progression of technology throughout the Corporation. • Integrate the components of the IT Strategic Plan into IT employee performance standards. • Develop a Human Capital Management Plan.
