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Documents/OPICIT/1: IT Governance and Program Management/1.2: Strategic Planning |
Strategic Planning Other Information: Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. Looking ahead is what makes planning strategic. OPIC’s IT strategic planning effort started with a single goal: Imagine the desired future state of OPIC. With that vision, the OCIO was then able to analyze the present state, compare the two to identify gaps, and start to draw a road map for closing those gaps and getting the Corporation to the goal. Project prioritization, risk analysis, and an analysis of the likelihood of changes in technology were also considered in the strategic-planning process. While there are many approaches to strategic planning, the OCIO followed a typical three-step process: 1) Evaluate the Situation - evaluate the current situation and how it came about. 2) Determine the Target - define goals and/or objectives. 3) Define the Path - map a possible route to the goals/objectives. The end result of that process is this OPIC IT Strategic Plan, containing directions for each of the five strategic IT objectives. Indicator(s):
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