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Documents/OPICIT/1: IT Governance and Program Management/1.3: Policy Oversight |
Policy Oversight Other Information: In order to ensure that computer systems are used in an effective and productive way, it is important that the owners, operators, and users of these systems have a clear understanding of acceptable standards of use. Such an understanding can be gained through an established set of OPIC technology policies. The OCIO has formulated, and will continuously review, revise and augment, policies governing the management of all technology resources throughout the Corporation, establish processes and procedures that carry out these policies, and provide oversight and review on the implementation of these policies, processes, and procedures. The OCIO will also assist in the preparation of OPIC positions on proposed legislation or proposed Government-wide policies affecting IT governance, and represent the Corporation in interagency technology councils. OCIO will develop and maintain the OPIC training and development program, and provide management oversight across the Corporation for implementation of these policies, processes, and procedures. An example of OPIC training includes the Information Security training that is given to all new employees and contractors. Indicator(s):
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