Documents/OPICIT/1: IT Governance and Program Management/1.4: Capital Planning

1.4: Capital Planning

Capital Planning

Other Information:

The creation of an IT capital planning and investment control process is essential to the proper management of IT investments. IT capital planning is a rigorous process for planning, selecting, controlling, and evaluating IT investments. It engrains proper project management philosophies to assist project managers in staying on target with regard to cost and schedule performance. Additionally, it ensures that procedures are implemented to identify, monitor, and mitigate risks that could potentially affect project performance. To initiate the annual process, each OPIC line of business (LOB) identifies its technology resource requirements for the coming fiscal year. These requirements are forwarded to OCIO as part of the annual budget process. The OCIO reviews the requirements and the programs they represent to determine whether the requirements are still valid and the programs are still consistent with the overall OPIC IT strategies and architecture. OCIO then consolidates all of the LOB requirements and allocates the appropriate budget amounts to each of the programs as part of the annual IT spend plan. The allocations are presented to the OCFO for review and approval, and where necessary, prioritization of the requirements and resources.
