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Documents/GOPGOP/35: Fundraising/35.2.2: State Party Fundraising |
35.2.2: State Party Fundraising Help state parties develop a fundraising infrastructure. Other Information: We need to help state parties develop a real fundraising infrastructure with responsibilities and accountability to improve our low-dollar fundraising efforts nationally. Utilize volunteers to raise money through phone calls, letter writing, email, social media, door-to-door efforts, etc. At the RNC staff level, reinstate the field finance team with experienced state party fundraisers to assist and help train state parties and hold them accountable. Some state parties are doing a great job with low-dollar fundraising, but too many are not. The RNC must help state parties become more self-reliant by requiring state party finance plans and fundraising budgets and encouraging them to build their fundraising infrastructure from the bottom up. The RNC finance team should audit each state party regarding their particular fundraising challenges and then help the state parties build a plan to improve. The RNC finance team should encourage state party finance teams to innovate and should constantly question why state parties are raising the money the way they always have and whether that is most effective. Stakeholder(s): Indicator(s):
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