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Documents/GOPGOP/13: Candidate Recruitment/13.1: Minority & Women Candidates |
13.1: Minority & Women Candidates Expand efforts to recruit minority candidates and women candidates. Other Information: Programs such as the Republican State Leadership Committee's "Future Majority Project" (www.futuremajorityproject.com) to recruit minority candidates and women candidates for the 2012 cycle have been highly effective and should be encouraged, and the RNC and state parties should expand their efforts in this area. In the 2012 cycle, the RSLC committed to spend $3 million to identify and support new GOP candidates of Hispanic descent and women for state office. Ultimately the RSLC identified 125 new Republican Hispanic candidates and 185 new women candidates. More than $5 million was used to successfully elect 84 new women and grow the state-level Republican Hispanic caucus. The RSLC has now established a Future Majority Caucus led by new Mexico Governor Susana Martinez and Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval along with a board of 10 rising stars from state legislatures across the country. Together, these leaders will help identify new candidates and develop even more ambitious goals for electing the new generation of GOP leaders. Stakeholder(s): Indicator(s):
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