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Documents/GOPGOP/17: Voter Contact/17.1: Testing |
Conduct tests of paid mail, phone and volunteer phones, digital and personal "in person" voter contact. Other Information: The RNC Political Division, working with other committees, state parties, and new GOP data analytics entities should conduct tests of paid mail, phone and volunteer phones, digital and personal "in person" voter contact in target areas during the 2013 cycle to determine most effective messaging, contact and conversion to votes. Potential tests include messaging/paid media tests as to whether targeted media buys are more impactful and at what GRP level does an ad reach its maximum impact. "In person" contact should be tested vs. "personal" contact (volunteer phone calls; live phone calls). Also, tests should be conducted on not only advocacy but actual interaction with voters. The Obama campaign asked voters what they needed to make their decision; information was then provided to volunteers and relayed to the same voters. Additionally, "72-Hour Project" tests conducted in Virginia and New Jersey in 2001 could be revisited, strengthened, and retested. Indicator(s):
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