Documents/SSS/1: Emergency Manpower

1: Emergency Manpower

Ensure preparedness and the capacity to timely provide manpower to DoD during a national emergency.

Other Information:

In the event of a mobilization, the SSS will hold a national draft lottery, contact those registrants who have been selected via the lottery, and arrange their transportation to a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). This procedure would be followed for a mobilization of trained and/or untrained personnel. Once notified of the results of their evaluation at the MEPS, any registrant who has been found qualified, may choose to file a claim for exemption, postponement, or deferment. If a claimant is re-classified as a conscientious objector (CO), he has a requirement to serve in a non-military capacity toward the welfare and safety of the U.S. for 24 months. The SSS will place these workers with non-military employers and track the progress of their service.
