Documents/GPO2013/3: Products & Services/III.B: Secure Federal Credentials

III.B: Secure Federal Credentials

Position GPO as the provider of choice for secure federal credentials.

Other Information:

In FY2013 - FY2016, SID will enhance the perception of GPO as a unique government-to-government provider. GPO plays a vital role in the security programs of our customers and our nation. Over the last five years, GPO has produced more than 85 million of the latest-generation electronic passports for the Department of State (DOS). Proven Passport capabilities are built into a family of secure credential products for our Agency customers. They acquire secure credential design, printing, manufacturing, personalization, and delivery—all from GPO. Work is performed in Government facilities by Government employees with proper clearances. Our portfolio of secure credentials includes Trusted Traveler cards for Customs and Border Protection, HSPD-12 cards for the Department of Homeland Security, contractor IDs for the Pentagon, and badges for visitors to the White House.
