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Documents/DRMMS/3: Information Access |
Promote agencies’ use of the FEA DRM to support Public Access to Government Information. Other Information: The DAS will provide related information and develop guidance as required in support of the strategic outcomes. Outcome: 1. Agencies provide data sharing services in accordance with the FEA DRM to facilitate public access to government information. 2. Agencies ensure security and privacy capabilities that promote public access and information protection. Sample Performance Measures * Increase in the number of publicly available web services providing data in machine-readable form. * Decrease in the amount of redundant data collected from citizens. * Decrease in the amount of redundant data collected from citizens. * Decrease in the number of redundant data sources (i.e., data sources duplicating data already provided by other agencies). * Decrease in data request fulfillment time. * Decrease in the average processing time for inter-agency data transactions. * Increase in the number of unique visitors to cross-agency data exchanges / information sharing platforms (e.g., FirstGov.gov, Business.gov, Forms.gov, Export.gov, etc.). Objective(s):
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