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Documents/DOTO/3: Open Government Strategies/3.2.1: Strategy for Internal Change Management |
3.2.1: Strategy for Internal Change Management Develop a strategy for internal change management. Other Information: To embed Open Government principles into our business processes, the DOT has started to develop a strategy for internal change management. The DOT will build off this strategy to develop an implementation plan, ensuring that the desired outcomes of our strategy are realized. The strategy for internal change management will be critical to meeting the following objectives: • Encouraging commitment to Open Government principles at all levels; and • Encouraging a cross-modal, interdisciplinary, collaborative, and engaged workforce through enhanced communication, governance, and guidance regarding Open Government tools and programs The strategy for internal change management calls for a variety of technology, communication, and training strategies to be leveraged to advance the objectives of Open Government amongst employees at DOT. For example, some agencies are already using collaborative software such as SharePoint, which provides a central location for information that enables employees to find relevant Open Government information (e.g., policies, standards, tools, training, handbooks) easily and collaborate more effectively. Furthermore, as the DOT implements Open Government initiatives, specific strategies must be created to inform, engage, and mobilize the DOT workforce through targeted communications and training. Open Government will leverage the dynamic range of communication technologies to deliver information faster to diverse audiences. The DOT will need parameters for the effective and appropriate use of these technologies to prevent an increase in employee interactions from fragmenting the Department’s messages. The DOT will develop tools to monitor the usefulness and effectiveness of communications. The DOT will seek feedback from its end users on content, delivery methods, accessibility, understandability, relevancy, consistency, and usability. The Department also seeks to provide incentives (i.e., internal distinctions and financial awards) for employees and modal administrations that demonstrate excellence and leadership in the areas of transparency, collaboration, and participation. By creating these incentives and recognition opportunities, the DOT will showcase and celebrate incremental Open Government successes. The strategy for internal change management calls for a shift in training methodologies that encourages innovation and collaboration. The Department has already established training on a number of topics for both its employees, including self help tutorials, videos, new employee orientations, and seminars/user forums. Some of this training is also provided in the form of recorded webinars available on our OA Web sites for the general public and other agencies to access. With the Open Government initiative, the DOT will enhance existing training classes and tools as well as remove barriers, which will enable us to maximize our existing training venues. The Department will include a marketing element in the training plan that will incentivize adoption. Training will stress that employee use of social media tools must comply with Departmental policy. Indicator(s):
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