Documents/DOTO/3: Open Government Strategies/3.1.6: Data Quality and Public Feedback

3.1.6: Data Quality and Public Feedback

Developing a process to identify previously unpublished high-value data assets and direct attention to the overall quality and usefulness of the data.

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The release of the data sets has also prompted discussions about how to determine the value of data and maintain its quality. While repackaging available information in more usable formats is of some value, we are developing a process to identify previously unpublished high-value data assets. We are also directing attention to the overall quality and usefulness of the data. The DOT will need to ensure sustained attention is paid to making some of the data sets available as live feeds rather than as static sets that are pulled down and reposted on an occasional basis. All data to be released by the DOT must comply with the statutory mandates in the Data Quality Act. The DOT understands the importance of being accountable for the quality of information publicly disseminated through venues such as, and We will work to improve the quality and integrity of that information. The Department also realizes the importance of having a responsive feedback mechanism. This allows the public to alert an agency to data sets that are not working, lack information, or are missing explanatory material. The mechanism then allows the DOT to respond to concerns within a reasonable timeframe. It might be feasible for an agency point of contact to address problems. This person would have the ability to resolve database issues or provide information regarding the database. Tests of this mechanism will occur to verify the quality of these agency-specific dialogues to ensure that they are having an impact and to develop recommendations on best practices to improve the responsiveness. Additionally code sheets should be used for data sets posted on The Department also realizes the need to give public notice when data is removed from sites, particularly the raw tools and data on Many of the above concerns apply across all or many of the agencies’ data sets. Accordingly, it would be wise to use the existing interagency workgroup structure to propose effective and beneficial solutions for the Department. Lastly, the Department’s Data Quality Plan is currently being developed in response to the OMB’s Open Government Directive. This directed agencies to maintain a plan with details of the internal controls implemented over information quality, including system and process changes, and the integration of these controls within the agency’s existing infrastructure. The Data Quality Plan includes two sections: implementation of the Data Quality Framework and data. It sets forth a framework for monitoring progress and performance, and includes actions taken to identify areas of risk and complete corrective actions.
