Documents/DOTO/3: Open Government Strategies/3.1.4: Format and Usability

3.1.4: Format and Usability

Work to strike an appropriate balance between formats (such as XML) that serve particular user groups and Web based presentations that can be used and understood by the general public.

Other Information:

The format of the data plays a role in its usability. The Department will work to strike an appropriate balance between formats (such as XML) that serve particular user groups and Web based presentations that can be used and understood by the general public. To ensure that the DOT properly accounts for the wide variety of audiences that may consume or review its data, the DOT will work to break down its external stakeholders into like groups. Such groups may include, but are not limited to: • Transportation-related Professional Organizations (e.g., American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)); • Academia, through the University Transportation Centers (UTCs); • The general public; • Application developers and entrepreneurs; and • Engaged public organizations, typically availing themselves of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request process. The DOT will continue to identify these unique external stakeholder groups and key audiences and will leverage the collaboration tools outlined elsewhere in this plan to gain a better understanding of their information needs. The DOT will ensure that the process for identifying and releasing high-value information explicitly considers format and usability with respect to user groups. The DOT will complete this activity after the completion of the comprehensive Department-wide data inventory, to support the data set selection and release process. One way to get such feedback about format and usability will be through the 5-star rating system on


  • General Public

  • Particular User Groups

  • Transportation-related Professional Organizations

  • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

  • Academiathrough the University Transportation Centers (UTCs)

  • University Transportation Centers (UTCs)

  • The General Public

  • Application Developers

  • Application Entrepreneurs

  • Engaged Public Organizationstypically availing themselves of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request process
