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Documents/DOTO/3: Open Government Strategies/3.4: Changes to Internal Governance and Policies to Improve Transparency, Participation, and Collaboration |
Consider many issues pertaining to business transformation, structured and unstructured information, forums and methods, and Web-related policy. Other Information: In developing policies and guidance to support and manage Open Government, the DOT will consider many issues pertaining to business transformation, structured and unstructured information, forums and methods, and Web-related policy. We recognize that policies should be living documents since emerging technologies regularly open new forms of communication between Government and the people. The DOT’s internal policy process requires annual reviews of all policies to ensure that roles and responsibilities are current and to evaluate if policy statements should be revised. Thus, the DOT will evaluate the effectiveness of the policies and practices developed pursuant to the Open Government Directive on a regular basis. The DOT plans to make changes to internal management and administrative policies to further those principles by April 2011. A policy group will be reconstituted very soon to make recommendations to senior leadership about many of the policies described in this section. The segments described in the timeline below represent a prioritized approach to policy development. These segments are discussed in more detail in the next section. • Policies and/or guidance to be completed by October 2010: o Develop Web policy segment. o Develop structured information transparency segment. o Develop digital methods segment. • Policies and/or guidance to be completed by April 2011: o Develop business methods segment. o Develop unstructured information transparency segment. o Develop non-digital methods segment. o Identify and formalize governance structure. Indicator(s):
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