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Documents/DOTO/3: Open Government Strategies/ Rulemaking Management System and regs.dot.gov | Rulemaking Management System and regs.dot.gov Harness advances in technology to accurately manage the rulemaking process. Other Information: Since rulemaking is an important public function of the DOT, we sought early on to harness advances in technology to accurately manage the process. In 2001, the DOT created a database to track the status of our rulemakings throughout their lifecycle. Much more than a standard tracking database, however, it allows the DOT to provide useful reports to the public through our rulemaking Web site, regs.dot.gov. The information that the DOT shares from the database includes the monthly status report of all of our significant rulemakings and which rulemakings will have effects on, for example small businesses, foreign countries, energy, or federalism. These reports have been available on the regs.dot.gov Web site since 2003. Also available on our Web site are a rulemaking point of contact for each DOT mode, information on plain language, a primer on the rulemaking process, and instructions for crafting effective comments on rulemakings. Indicator(s):
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