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Documents/DOTO/3: Open Government Strategies/ Negotiated Rulemakings | Negotiated Rulemakings Continue to use negotiated rulemakings and maintain standing Federal Advisory Committees to assist the rulemaking process. Other Information: Negotiated rulemaking follows a clear process. First, Federal agencies identify potential stakeholders in a rulemaking. Then they bring stakeholders together with facilitators to establish a foundation for a proposed rule. The end result is hopefully a product of consensus among the stakeholders. This expands the voice that the public has in crafting regulations that may affect them and ensures that agencies have accurate information to draw up a reasonable regulation. The DOT was the first Federal agency to use negotiated rulemakings, beginning in the 1980’s, and we continue to use them today. Currently, almost all modes at the DOT maintain standing Federal Advisory Committees, with representatives from interested parties, to assist the rulemaking process. Stakeholder(s): Indicator(s):
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