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Documents/DOTO/3: Open Government Strategies/3.2.2: Public Outreach |
Coordinate Open Government outreach with other DOT communications efforts and seek to ensure that the initiative is meeting its intended results. Other Information: Open Government outreach to various audiences will be coordinated with other DOT communications efforts and seek to ensure that the initiative is meeting its intended results. For the purpose of this strategy, the DOT identified four high-level stakeholder categories for which Open Government outreach messages and goals are established: the general public, the media, DOT employees, and the transportation industry. The DOT engages the public through numerous new communication and traditional communications channels managed and led by OST’s Public Affairs Office. Through new media opportunities such as blogging, webcasting, Facebook and Twitter, the Department’s message can be further amplified. However, these same opportunities also present the potential for inaccurate and inappropriate release of information and misrepresentation of the DOT. It is important that when communicating with the public, we speak with one consistent, cohesive voice. The Department faces the competing pressures of maximizing accurate and authorized information broadcast to the public, and minimizing inaccurate and unauthorized information distribution and inappropriate outreach. Any new outreach approaches must be approved through both Modal and OST Public Affairs offices. To maximize efforts already underway, the DOT’s Open Government Web site links to several public affairs outreach channels: • Briefing Room on DOT.gov • News sections of each agency’s Web site; • The Secretary’s blog, Fast Lane; and • The Secretary’s Facebook page, YouTube channel and Twitter account. Modal public affairs offices can coordinate with OST Public Affairs to boost the Open Government initiative by: • Webcasting based on available resources and podcasting events and live-streaming events, briefings and town halls which are open to the public; • Working with OST Public Affairs to find guest opportunities for the Secretary’s blog, Fast Lane, which can also be applied through the Secretary’s Twitter account; and • Maximizing RSS feeds for official notifications. Webcasting, Podcasting, YouTube and Live Streaming: With available resources, the most transparent simultaneous outreach medium currently available is webcasting. This tool allows the DOT to not only include a larger audience, but a more diverse audience with no geographic boundaries. Both webcasts and podcasts can be posted for repeated viewing at the public’s convenience. New additions to a video channel can trigger an RSS announcement for stakeholders and other subscribers. This has been done successfully by OST and RITA with the Secretary’s Distracted Driving Summit and by FRA with its High Speed Rail Manufacturing Summit. The Distracted Driving Summit not only reached viewers across the country, but also across the world. In addition to webcasting, live streaming allows users the opportunity to submit questions and comments to event participants. These activities can be moderated. Live streaming extends the value of webcasting beyond transparency into participation and collaboration. This can include Web chats with a DOT principal regarding an upcoming event or other major DOT announcements. YouTube can also be used to promote DOT initiatives and programs. Fast Lane Blog, Other Social Media Outlets: Working with OST Public Affairs and modal public affairs contacts, each mode can present guest blogs on Fast Lane as appropriate. The OST Public Affairs Office already heavily utilizes this tool, as well as other social media opportunities such as Facebook and Twitter to publicize major events and news announcements. As previously mentioned, the DOT’s Open Government Web site should link to all of these media to highlight work already underway. Really Simple Syndication or RSS Feed: Already in use across the DOT, RSS offers the simplest avenue for public notification. Users self-identify as stakeholders by subscribing to an Operating Agency’s RSS feed. With the approval of OST Public Affairs, significant action or business activity can be published quickly. The OAs will be encouraged to maximize their use of this important tool. Indicator(s):
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