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Documents/DOTO/3: Open Government Strategies/3.1: Strategic Action Plan for Data Transparency and the DOT Data Inventory |
3.1: Strategic Action Plan for Data Transparency and the DOT Data Inventory Unlock more public data. Other Information: The DOT performs a wide range of business services aimed at solving the complex safety issues associated with our Nation’s transportation systems. The DOT relies heavily on its data resources to drive business and investment decisions. These include data compiled by State, local, and tribal governments, as well as private sector entities. The Department is committed to unlocking more public data to: • Drive innovation by tapping into the ingenuity of the American people; • Increase agency accountability; and • Solidify the connection between the Department’s services and individual citizens, business, governmental bodies, universities, and other non-government organizations. The Department’s leaders have identified a number of fundamental issues that must be considered in order to provide sustained access to high-value transportation data. Many of these issues will be addressed and managed through internal policies. These issues include: • Determining a process to release data and contextualize that data; • Creating a data inventory and selecting the right data sets to release; • Determining how to approach developing a DOT-wide data architecture; • Providing data in a format usable by industry and individuals, consistent with security, privacy and confidentiality interests; • Portioning and organizing the data so that it is manageable and searchable; and • Maintaining the quality of the data and creating and maintaining a dialogue with stakeholders about changes in data availability. The DOT has a long history of releasing mission-driven information to the public. There is a proven existing process for clearing information that is regularly released from the Department that includes review from the relevant and highest levels. The DOT will build on this process to manage the release of new and/or high-value mission-driven data. Formalizing the data release process is a priority and must be finalized well in advance of the first data release. The process will ensure that all data released from the Department considers security, privacy, confidentiality, and quality. Indicator(s):
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