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Documents/CST/1: Service Delivery/1.5.3: Citizen Empowerment |
Shift to think of service delivery not as something which is done by government to citizens, but as something in which the citizen is an active co-creator of services - or even where public services are delivered directly citizen to citizen, with no government involvement. Other Information: Citizen empowerment involves a set of changes which are much more fundamental than the online consultations and "e-participation" initiatives which characterised the first wave of e-Government programmes. And it is also more fundamental than the application of Web 2.0 technologies to government - although these technologies do have a role to play. The key shift is to think of service delivery not as something which is done by government to citizens, but as something in which the citizen is an active co-creator of services - or even where public services are delivered directly citizen to citizen, with no government involvement. Innovators in government who are making that shift are starting to develop a wide range of new ways to create public value and enhance services, Indicator(s):
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