Documents/CST/1: Service Delivery/1.2: Business Model

1.2: Business Model

Embed the vision and strategy within a new and effective business model which enables the machinery of government to deliver citizen-centricity in practice.

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Second, the vision and strategy need to be embedded within a new and effective business model which enables the machinery of government to deliver citizen-centricity in practice. It is failure to address this requirement for a new business model which, arguably, has been the greatest weakness of most traditional e-government programmes. For the most part, the transition to e-government has involved overlaying technology onto the existing business model of government: a business model based around unconnected silos - in which policy-making, budgets, accountability, decision-making and service delivery are all embedded within a vertically-integrated delivery chain based around specific government functions. The experience of governments around the world over the last two decades is that this simply does not work. So what is the new business model which is required to deliver citizen service transformation? Many attempts have been made by governments to introduce greater cross-government coordination, but largely these have been "bolted on" to the underlying business model, and hence experience only limited success. Globally, there are only two approaches which are currently looking to build a genuinely new business model for transformation.
