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Documents/CST/1: Service Delivery/1.1: Vision |
Set out a cross-government vision of service delivery focused around citizens. Other Information: The first step is to set out a cross-government vision of service delivery focused around citizens. An increasing number of governments in the developed and developing world have now set out such a view, making a clear strategic and political commitment to citizen-centric public services. But while a vision of the future can be a powerful tool for change, it is crucial to underpin that vision with two things. First, a clearly-defined strategy for achieving the vision. There is no one-size-fits all strategy which governments can use, since strategy needs to be tailored to the unique circumstances of each government's situation. However, all governments face the same strategic trade-offs: needing to ensure clear line-of-sight between all aspects of programme activity and the end outcomes which the government is seeking to achieve, and to balances quick wins with the key steps needed to drive longer term transformation. Indicator(s):
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