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Documents/85B/1: Membership Experience |
Enhance the 85 Broads membership experience Other Information: 85 Broads is engaged in an exciting development initiative to greatly enhance the 85 Broads membership experience. This will be a complete redesign of the website and the launch of mobile applications for smartphones and tablets. This new experience will enable users to access 85 Broads from any device at any time, to find and connect with members based on mutual interests and goals, leverage member knowledge, access exclusive member content, publish and promote articles, blogs and books, take advantage of sponsorship opportunities across the network, plan and manage networking events, discover new career paths and provide access to exclusive investment opportunities within the 85 Broads network. Members will also be able to use 85 Broads as a hub for their connected life - with tools to manage all of their social networks in one console as well as for distributing their own content across the Internet. Currently in development, the new site is expected to launch in Summer 2013. * New Dashboard highlighting news and events targeted by your interests * New events system allowing you to promote events across the network * New promotional opportunities to help you grow * Enhanced user profiles with privacy and messaging controls you customize * Access to experts who can help answer your questions or provide direction * Improved career section to encourage professional development * New content tools and opportunities for your work to be published nationally * Unique opportunities to invest in fellow member's start-up ventures Objective(s):
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