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Documents/SSS/2: Management Excellence/2.2: Financial Management |
Efficient and effective financial management. Other Information: The Financial Management Directorate will project its focus on improving and achieving success in support of the PMA. The Directorate is committed to a continuation of its achievement of “clean audit” opinions under the auspices of the Accountability of Tax Dollars Act of 2002. In accordance with the PMA, the Agency will continue its integration and implementation of an integrated financial management system. Additionally, its e-government initiative, to automate all government travel under the eTravel concept, will ultimately provide an improvement in the financial performance arena and an overall upgrade in the area of budget, human capital, and performance integration. These are the primary activities that will be used in support of improving the management and performance of the Agency and ultimately the Federal Government as outlined in the PMA. MEANS & STRATEGIES • Provide accurate and timely financial data access to decision makers. • Align budget, human capital, and performance documents. • Achieve an unqualified audit opinion on annual financial statements. • Ensure that budgetary expenditures are aligned with the goals and program activities contained in Agency and directorate planning and reporting documents. More Specific Objectives: 2.2.1: Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of financial activities. 2.2.2: Align budgeted funds with performance expectations. 2.2.3: In support of Goal 1, ensure that Financial Management preparedness plans are up-to-date. Indicator(s):
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