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Documents/SSS/1: Emergency Manpower/1.2: Registration |
Ensure acceptable registration compliance rates. Other Information: Registration is a crucial component and foundation of any future induction or draft that may require the furnishing of personnel to the DoD in the event of a national emergency. The higher the national registration compliance rate, the more fair and equitable any future draft would be for each registered individual. The Agency works through its registration and compliance programs to (1) register all eligible men, (2) identify nonregistrants and remind them of their obligation to register; and (3) inform young men that they need to register to remain eligible for federal and state student financial aid, job training, government employment, and U.S. citizenship for male immigrants. To help ensure that any future draft is fair and equitable, and that their residents do not lose federal and state benefits associated with the registration requirement, many states and U.S. territories are implementing laws that require or allow men to register with the SSS when they apply for a state driver’s license or identification card. In addition, increasing the percentage of electronic registrations (through sources such as driver’s license legislation, internet and telephone registrations) reduces the cost per registration, thereby increasing the efficiency of the overall registration process. Although no requirement currently exists to register anyone other than men age 18 through age 25, our systems are designed to accommodate potential future registration requirements. MEANS & STRATEGIES • Implement special mailings to large population, low registration compliance states and areas. • Maintain effective registrar programs in high schools and with agencies involved with the Workforce Investment Act, Farmworkers Opportunity Program, and other programs that reach potential registrants. • Support states in their efforts to pass legislation requiring young men to register with the SSS as a condition for obtaining a motor vehicle driver’s permit/license, or state identification card. • Maintain current and negotiate new initiatives with other State and Federal agencies to facilitate registration, including tape matching, electronic data exchange, and encouraging access to information. • Increase the Agency’s registration awareness programs, to include production and distribution of information via print, radio, television, internet, and public speaking. More Specific Objectives: 1.2.1: Achieve and Maintain registration rates of 90 percent or above for eligible males ages 18-25 1.2.2: Increase the percentage of electronic registrations. Indicator(s):
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