The Lost Opportunity of the 2012 Elections
Start: 2012-10-25, Publication: 2012-10-26 Source:
It’s obviously asking too much to suggest that this kind of discussion be a part of the election narrative. But it’s not asking
too much for it to become a part of the transition narrative, regardless of who wins in November. Austerity is real and the
challenges we face as a nation are enormous. In the end, we’ll likely only be successful if we demand and drive a very different
kind of conversation. A conversation about which we can all say “I approved this message.”
Name:Owen Ambur
Name:Stan Soloway
Description: President and chief executive officer of the Professional Services Council.
- Government Network: ...“government” is not one thing; it is actually a network of delivery mechanisms that includes organic civil servants and
the uniformed military, the private sector, universities, state and local governments, and non-profit organizations. Thus,
one question we should be asking, but for the most part are avoiding, is how we can capitalize on that network to drive higher
performance and lower cost.
- Civil Servants
- Uniformed Military
- Private Sector
- State Governments
- Local Governments
- Non-Profit Organizations