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Documents/SSC/2: Savings/2.1: Economic Action Plan 2012 |
2.1: Economic Action Plan 2012 Find efficiencies and deliver "value for money". Other Information: Economic Action Plan 2012 demonstrates the government’s commitment to introduce measures to return to a balanced budget by 2014-15. Like other departments and agencies, SSC has an important role to play in supporting the government in those efforts. SSC was created to find efficiencies and deliver ‘value for money’ through its operate and transform mandate. In the short-term, we will capitalize on the savings that are achievable through increased efficiency, better pricing, and reductions in duplication that become possible when you consolidate operations across 43 partner organizations. As we build our internal services capacity, we will make the best use of technology and systems to keep our costs down. Specific initiatives that we will undertake to achieve our budget commitments are, first and foremost, our major consolidation initiatives. A few examples of these include: Indicator(s):
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