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Documents/SSAWIP/1: Web Improvement/1.4: User Expectations and Customer Service |
1.4: User Expectations and Customer Service Ensure that websites are meeting user expectations and needs and that the customer experience with websites is continually enhanced. Other Information: How does your Agency currently ensure that websites are meeting user expectations and needs and that the customer experience with websites is continually enhanced? SSA usability practitioners employ user-centered design methodologies to ensure a high level of usability within programmatic applications and across SSA’s Internet web presence. The process includes eliciting business and user needs and an iterative cycle of design and usability testing to achieve measurable usability goals. Interface design standards are implemented through a reusable library of interaction patterns to ensure consistency across all SSA web-based applications and Internet pages.We also have a program called the Public Insight Process that assesses the potential user demand for a suggested website application before significant resources are committed to its development. We have in the past contracted with outside usability specialists to assess the proposed redesign of our informational sites.SSA uses the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) surveys to measure customer/users satisfaction, and to predict future behaviors and trends. ACSI uses a proven, scientific methodology to measure online satisfaction. The data is analyzed and used to help drive decisions on how to improve SSA’s online services. SSA also values and solicits ongoing suggestions from our field employees. All of these avenues for feedback can result in site improvements. Indicator(s):
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