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Documents/SSAWIP/1: Web Improvement/1.2: Web Resources Management |
Ensure that Agency-wide web resources are managed efficiently. Other Information: How does your agency currently ensure that Agency-wide web resources are managed efficiently (e.g. governance, technology/infrastructure, hosting, staffing, operations, etc.)? The SSA eServices Governance committee, in accordance with guidance provided by SSA Deputy Commissioners, oversees the governance of the website, and creates and develops the policies associated with that function. At the day-to-day level, the agency has essentially two governance systems: one governs the interactive applications interacting with mainframe systems, and the other governs the remaining (mostly informational) web-based content. For interactive applications, an extensive library of reusable code has been developed and a detailed set of standards exist for how user interface is designed and tested. For the remaining content, a set of standards based on OMB best practices have been in use for many years. However, the agency is in the middle of rolling out a new design template that takes advantage of newer standards and browser capabilities, and this (along with the emergence of cloud-based technologies) has triggered the need for a thorough review of the current governance rules. This also may lead to development of an intranet-based collaboration space for webmasters who manage the various subsites. Indicator(s):
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