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The Government's Role in Spurring Innovation Strategic_Plan Publication: 2012-12-03 Source: http://fcw.com/articles/2012/11/30/innovation-economics.aspx?s=fcwdaily_031212 This excerpt describes what the authors believe is the government's role in carrying out innovative research and creating policies that encourage private-sector innovation. While lack of resources is not always the problem, sometimes money matters. Cases in point are the numerous federal agencies that play a key role in innovation but that are woefully underfunded... Without government help to catalyze deployment of [the six] platforms [identified below], we will not see the progress that is possible. In fact, as noted previously, a key reason why some nations are ahead of us in deploying these platforms is that foreign governments have engaged in smart partnerships to help the private sector build the platforms, in part by using a combination of tax incentives [and] smart, but limited, regulations that drive change and having the government act as a lead purchaser. The U.S. federal government should do the same.
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