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Global Participation Initiative Strategic_Plan Publication: 2013-07-05 Source: http://www.plos.org/about/viewpoints/global-participation-initiative/ To accelerate the pace of discovery, PLOS aims to remove existing barriers that prevent scientists from sharing, finding, learning from, and building upon the shared scientific body of knowledge. To achieve our mission of transforming research communication requires going beyond solving the problem of access for readers, to providing sustainable access for authors to the systems of scholarly communication. Any barrier to publication ultimately reduces the impact of open access by limiting the number of findings available to readers. This is particularly damaging when that barrier reduces the ability of global scholars from low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) to engage with the global research community. To address this issue and the wider issues of encouraging global participation in scholarly communication PLOS has formed an International Advisory Group (IAG). The Global Participation Initiative is only the first step toward PLOS' goal of encouraging publication of global research and we will monitor uptake and continue to seek the views of all stakeholders.
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