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Documents/DOTO/5: Compliance with Information Dissemination Requirements/5.1.2: e-Rulemaking |
Provide public access to Federal regulatory, adjudicatory, and other information by providing a one-stop Internet site for the public to search, view, download, and submit comments/submissions on them all. Other Information: The Federal Docket Management System (FDMS) is an enhanced Federal-electronic docket management system. This system provides public access to Federal regulatory, adjudicatory, and other information by providing a one-stop Internet site for the public to search, view, download, and submit comments/submissions on them all. The FDMS is a major component of the e-Rulemaking Presidential Initiative. The e-Rulemaking Initiative provides citizens and businesses easy access to the rulemaking process while streamlining and increasing the efficiency of internal agency procedures. The FDMS offers a standard online procedure for Federal Departments and agencies to handle and process rules. Regulations.gov allows the public to obtain information and to provide comments/submissions on proposed rulemakings and non-rulemakings that are open for comment or other public participation. Led by the EPA, Regulations.gov is designed so that the public has a single point of access to regulatory and other information across the Federal Government. The initiative also reduces the cost generated by duplicate information systems and technical infrastructures. Currently, the DOT documents are posted to Regulations.gov through the DOT Docket Operations Center. The DOT then uses an internal process for distribution and review. Employees in the DOT Dockets Office review the documents and approve them for permanent storage onto Regulations.gov. Indicator(s):
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