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Documents/DOTO/5: Compliance with Information Dissemination Requirements/5.1.1: Data.gov |
Meet the Open Government Directive requirement to publish data sets. Other Information: A priority Open Government initiative for the Administration, Data.gov allows the public to easily find, download, and use data sets that are generated and held by the Federal Government. Data.gov provides a storefront for raw data sets, tools that leverage Federal data sets, and geo data. The site provides descriptions of the data, information about how to access the data sets, and an opportunity to rate their utility. The data catalogs will continue to grow as data sets are added. Federal Executive Branch data are included in the first version of Data.gov. The DOT met the Open Government Directive requirement to publish data sets by January 21, 2010. The DOT has a Data.gov working group that plans and implements the DOT’s Data.gov program. This working group also coordinates closely with other working groups on information declassification, data privacy and confidentiality, and information security to identify and propose solutions to hurdles to Open Government and data transparency in their respective areas. Indicator(s):
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