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Documents/DOTO/5: Compliance with Information Dissemination Requirements/5.3.5: Actions to Be Taken in FY 2010 to Reduce Backlogs and Improve Timeliness |
5.3.5: Actions to Be Taken in FY 2010 to Reduce Backlogs and Improve Timeliness Other Information: The FHWA plans to fill one FOIA vacancy by June 30, 2010, and fill a second FOIA vacancy by September 30, 2010. The FHWA also will begin scanning all incoming FOIA requests so they can be received and processed by the various headquarters and field offices more quickly. The FAA headquarters FOIA team plans to conduct supplemental FOIA training sessions for the FAA’s headquarters FOIA coordinators in the program offices. The purpose of the series of training sessions is to reiterate the openness policy and provide advice and best practices on processing FOIA requests in a timelier manner. Several DOT components are already using electronic redaction software. The DOT FOIA office will explore electronic redaction options available to, and facilitate their use by, the remaining components. Indicator(s):
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