Documents/DOTO/5: Compliance with Information Dissemination Requirements/5.3.4: Actions Already Taken in Fiscal Year 2010 to Reduce Backlogs and Improve Timeliness

5.3.4: Actions Already Taken in Fiscal Year 2010 to Reduce Backlogs and Improve Timeliness

Other Information:

At the beginning of FY 2010, FRA made its own assessment of its program and implemented actions to correct the direction of their backlog. Steps included a thorough review of the agency’s FY 2009 process and a renewed focus on addressing the agency’s oldest pending requests. Additional agency resources were devoted to supporting various aspects of the FOIA program (e.g., exemption for business information-related requests and personnel information-related requests) and to addressing pending appeals. Additional resources will continue to be devoted to FOIA processing throughout FY 2010 to assure that additional backlog reductions are achieved. The OIG FOIA office increased resources to better manage its backlog and improve the timeliness of both initial and appeal responses. PHMSA created a shared FOIA file on the network server allowing PHMSA’s regional offices to upload responsive records, which saves regional staff time and resources that would be needed for duplication and postal or courier fees.
