5.3.3: Timeliness Assessment
Other Information:
From FY 2008 to FY 2009, we reduced our backlog of initial requests by 12 percent. During that same time, our backlog of appeals
increased by 8 percent. At the end of FY 2009, the DOT had a backlog of 1,284 initial requests and 96 appeals. We consider
these backlogs significant and are taking steps to reduce them. One way the DOT is measuring timeliness is to see how many
requests were answered in 1-20 days and in 21-40 days. In FY 2009, we processed 59.2 percent of initial requests in 1-20 days
and 20.4 percent of initial requests in 21-40 days. This is up slightly from FY 2008 (58.9 percent processed in 1-20 working
days and 17.6 processed in 21-40 days). Our goal is to continue this upward trend. We believe the implementation of our recommendations
will make this possible.