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Documents/DOTO/5: Compliance with Information Dissemination Requirements/5.3.2: Recent Actions Taken to Assess and Strengthen the DOT’s FOIA Programs |
5.3.2: Recent Actions Taken to Assess and Strengthen the DOT’s FOIA Programs Other Information: In November 2009, the Chief FOIA Officer issued a memorandum entitled “FOIA and Creating a New Era of Open Government” to the heads of OAs. The memorandum addressed the roles played by all agency personnel in identifying information to affirmatively disclose to the public on the Internet, streamlining the processing of documents responsive to FOIA requests, and promoting the presumption of disclosure. In December 2009, DOT FOIA legal and program staff gave a presentation on FOIA to Administration appointees and FOIA personnel at DOT. The presentation included an overview of the Department’s responsibilities under FOIA, its FOIA programs, FOIA exemptions, and other matters covered in the Chief FOIA Officer’s November 2009 memorandum. In January and February 2010, the DOT FOIA Officer conducted comprehensive reviews of each component’s FOIA program, under the direction of the Chief FOIA Officer. When the reviews were completed, the Chief FOIA Officer met with one or more senior level officials in each component to discuss the findings and any component-specific recommendations and to encourage their support of the FOIA program. On February 3, 2010, the Chief FOIA Officer met with the DOT’s FOIA Public Liaisons to talk about their responsibilities and the Administration’s FOIA policies. Indicator(s):
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