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Documents/DOTO/4: DOT-Specific Open Government Initiatives/4.1.3: How will this project engage the public differently from the normal rulemaking process? |
4.1.3: How will this project engage the public differently from the normal rulemaking process? Attempt to reach the public where they are, explain the rulemaking process to members of the public who may be unfamiliar with it and then to stimulate discussion on the proposed rule, and openly show comments from everyone who chooses to participate. Other Information: 1. Outreach: CeRI will attempt to reach the public where they are, rather than relying on them to come to the Government as the process currently requires. So, in addition to attracting the “usual” participants that would comment when the DOT issues a proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register, CeRI will also attempt to reach the vast majority of the public that does not read the Federal Register or routinely visit DOT Web sites. CeRI will search for advocacy groups likely to be interested, blogs that deal with the subject matter area, relevant social networking pages, and any other online venues that can help to spread the word virally about the proposed regulation. 2. Two-way communication: The Regulation Room Web site will be set up to explain the rulemaking process to members of the public who may be unfamiliar with it and then to stimulate discussion on the proposed rule through regular blog postings on aspects on which the DOT is seeking input. However, CeRI facilitators will also monitor the discussion and follow-up with commenters to make sure that supporting data is provided with comments, which greatly improves the worth of the information for the DOT. Too often, we receive comments on proposals that have no supporting data, which makes them difficult to evaluate or rely on. 3. Responding to others’ comments: Regulation Room will openly show comments from everyone who chooses to participate. Commenters will then be able to respond to each other, deepening discussion of the issue and hopefully leading to greater collaboration in reaching a consensus that could be useful for the DOT. 4. Collaboration between commenters: In order to have the discussion between commenters in Regulation Room help influence the rulemaking process, CeRI staff will prepare a summary of the discussion that will then be posted to the site for commenters to collaboratively edit prior to its final version being submitted to the DOT on behalf of the commenters. Of course, those people who participated in Regulation Room are still free to file their own comments with the DOT as well. The DOT will not participate in any activity on the Regulation Room Web site. Indicator(s):
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