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Documents/DOTO/4: DOT-Specific Open Government Initiatives/4.4.3: DOT Web site Re-design |
Update our Web presence to align with and bring utility to the achievement of the Department’s strategic goals. Other Information: The DOT has a wide range of stakeholders. The diversity of these stakeholders drives the need for a “best in class” Web site that is both dynamic and easily managed. The DOT’s public facing Web page must be able to provide relevant information to other Government agencies, private sector businesses, and independent citizens. At the same time, the DOT’s intranet must be able to supply vital information to employees, communicate throughout intradepartmental OAs. The DOT will update its Web presence by April 2011. To meet those goals, the DOT’s Web presence will align with and bring utility to the achievement of the Department’s strategic goals. To align with the principles of Open Government, the DOT’s updated Web presence will also strategically use crowd-sourcing tools, smart-phone applications, Facebook, Twitter, and other Web 2.0 mediums through multi-media pages. An important step in enabling Web 2.0 tools to provide strategic utility to the Department is to ensure users see www.dot.gov as a valuable source of information. Users must have confidence in the quality, timeliness, and usability of the material on the DOT’s Web site, and the content available must be current, functionally intuitive, and bring utility to the public’s own missions or interests. It is important to note that site loyalty is created by providing benefit to those using the implemented Web technologies. Users must feel inspired for critical thought through the creation of an informative and engaging experience while on www.dot.gov. This can be achieved by properly delivering everything from the visual uniformity of Web pages or tools, to stating the significance of specific data or tools and tying them back to the DOT’s vision and mission. Implementing an intuitive Web solution that conveys the impact and significance of user feedback on the DOT’s mission will help create stakeholder buy-in and create the site loyalty and openness that the DOT seeks to achieve. In return, the DOT will benefit from the insight of crowd-wisdom through the public’s continuous and repeated interaction with its public facing tools, applications, data, and other Web 2.0 mediums. The DOT must utilize this to its advantage in order to effectively capture the thought processes of tomorrow through its Web presence. This initiative supports the following Open Government objectives: • Present in a clear manner DOT information about programs and objectives; and • Continue to release DOT data in a timely manner by proactively making it available online in consistent, open formats, while assuring accuracy and protecting privacy, security, and confidentiality. Indicator(s):
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