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Documents/DOTO/4: DOT-Specific Open Government Initiatives/4.2.3: Data.gov Rating System |
Consider mechanisms to better collect feedback on the quality and perceived value of data released by the DOT. Other Information: The DOT is considering mechanisms to better collect feedback on the quality and perceived value of data released by the DOT. The DOT is proposing two ways to collect this feedback on data value and data quality. The first is to provide a formal recommendation to the Data.gov Project Management Officer (PMO) to expand their current “5-star” rating system from just allowing citizens to rate on data utility, usefulness, and ease of access to allowing citizens to rate data sets on data quality and data value. Making this update to the Data.gov rating system would not only provide benefits to the DOT, but would allow for consistent ratings across the Federal Government. The DOT will also develop a feedback mechanism on our DOT site so that our stakeholders can more easily access and rate our data sets. This will drive more ratings by the individuals used to coming to our Web site for transportation information. The DOT would do this by encouraging the development of a Data.gov widget that would allow us to pull in the Data.gov look and feel to our Departmental Open Government Web site to display with our existing data sets. This widget would pull in the 5-star rating system and the comment box for citizens to comment about the specific data sets. Citizens would be able to vote on our data sets and provide comments in one central location, since not all DOT data is on Data.gov. This initiative supports the following Open Government objective: “Continue to release DOT data in a timely manner by proactively making it available online in consistent, open formats, while assuring accuracy and protecting privacy, security, and confidentiality.” Indicator(s):
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