Documents/DOTO/4: DOT-Specific Open Government Initiatives/4.2.2: Public Feedback on Strategic Plans

4.2.2: Public Feedback on Strategic Plans

Pursue use of a brainstorming platform to solicit public feedback on the DOT Strategic Plan.

Other Information:

The DOT is also pursuing using a brainstorming platform in 2010 to solicit public feedback on the DOT Strategic Plan, which outlines the Department’s goals and strategies for improving the U.S. transportation sector over the next five years. The DOT will ask the public to share ideas and comments on policy goals and strategic initiatives. Individuals will again be able to flag ideas as off-topic and share ideas with other people via email or social media channels to help promote increased attention to topics they consider important. The DOT is committed to engaging the public during the development of crucial DOT plans in a transparent fashion, and will continue to promote the use of online tools to collect feedback and collaborate with citizens. This initiative supports the following Open Government objective: “Maintain commitment to collecting and responding to public input on DOT policies and programs in innovative ways.”
