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Documents/CTDLC/2: eLearning Best Practices/2.1.2: eLearning Events |
Plan and host Face to Face eLearning Event Series Other Information: Events, Timelines & Benchmarks: * Presidents Breakfast -- Annual -- 50 Attendees * iTunes Kickoff -- Done -- Subsequent sign ups * Teaching and Learning Conference (UCONN) * Annually -- Sept 09 -- 125 attendance * eTutoring Workshops -- Annual -- 75 attend * eTutoring SIG with NERCOMP -- 2009-ongoing -- Accepted * ePortfolio event (face to face or webinar) -- 2009-2010 -- Create plan for addressing this need * iTunes Workshops/Training -- 2009-2010 -- 15 trainees * VLC Mentor/On Line Learning coordinators | Develop virtual self-paced refresher course -- By 2012 | 2010-2011 -- 100/annually | completed * Introductions of new Initiatives -- through 2012 -- 1 annually * CIO Summit -- Annual -- 25/year Indicator(s):
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