Documents/CSIRO/2: Discovery and Delivery/2.2.3: Enhancing Communications

2.2.3: Enhancing Communications

Promote the contribution of science in driving innovation and support the delivery of societal benefit from CSIRO science.

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Aspiration: Promote the contribution of science in driving innovation and support the delivery of societal benefit from CSIRO science. Activities: • Strategic Prioritisation – Align communication and marketing resources to assist in the achievement of enterprise goals and the delivery of theme outcomes • Productive Partnerships – Actively position CSIRO as a responsive, collaborative and innovative global partner • Education and Outreach – Foster interest in science and understanding of its value in the Australian community • Science to Inform Decisions – Inform public debate on national and international science-related issues and provide input to policy processes Outcomes: • The Australian community and education sector have an increased appreciation of the value of science and science-based solutions • CSIRO’s reputation is enhanced as an internationally-respected scientific enterprise and a source of trusted advice to governments, industry and the community
