Documents/CSIRO/2: Discovery and Delivery/2.2.1: Developing our Business

2.2.1: Developing our Business

A step-change improvement in our business relationships to ensure effective science and technology uptake, sustainably.

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Aspiration: A step-change improvement in our business relationships to ensure effective science and technology uptake, sustainably. Activities: • Relationship management – Embed a customer service culture and develop multi-level client engagement systems and networks • Build business development capability: • enhance our business processes, customer information management and networks for better decision-making, organisation-wide • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the deployment of business development resources through skills development and training • International engagement – develop a more deliberate and focused approach to international business engagement. • Small to Medium Enterprise engagement – Increase impact for small to medium enterprises through a range of support programs Outcomes: • Clients and key partners will have stronger and more productive relationships with CSIRO • Significant international connections will enhance Australia’s access to global research and technology • Substantive engagement with Small to Medium Enterprises will contribute to more effective technology adoption • CSIRO’s revenue streams from external engagement will grow
