Documents/CSIRO/2: Discovery and Delivery/2.1.2: Building Transformational Capability Platforms

2.1.2: Building Transformational Capability Platforms

Ensure long-term sustainability and future impact of the organisation by strengthening vital cross-organisational capabilities in transformational biology, advanced materials, computational and simulation sciences, and sensor network technologies. • Transformational biology – Combining human, plant, and animal biology with genomics, phenomics, and whole-ofsystem approaches • Materials science – Combining physics, engineering, chemistry and biology to develop the materials of the future • Computational and simulation sciences – Building broad scale capability and applications across CSIRO’s diverse areas of activity • Sensor network technologies – Transforming our ability to monitor and control our environment

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Aspiration: Ensure long-term sustainability and future impact of the organisation by strengthening vital cross-organisational capabilities in transformational biology, advanced materials, computational and simulation sciences and sensor network technologies. Activities: • Targeted capability renewal in four cross-organisational platforms • Transformational biology – Science programs that combine human, plant, and animal biology with genomics, phenomics and whole-ofsystem approaches • Materials science – Building large-scale programs that combine physics, engineering, chemistry and biology to develop the materials of the future • Computational and simulation sciences – Develop broad-scale computation capability for diverse and practical applications for industry and community • Sensor network technologies – Combine scientific expertise for large-scale deployment of sensor applications Outcomes: • CSIRO is prepared for, and can respond to, the next big Australian challenge or opportunity • Strong capability platforms (people, skills, networks, facilities) have been established in transformational biology, materials science, computational and simulation sciences and sensor network technologies
