Documents/CSIRO/2: Discovery and Delivery/2.1.1: Progressing Science Direction Setting

2.1.1: Progressing Science Direction Setting

Continue to focus CSIRO’s science investment, capability development and performance in areas of greatest impact and relevance.

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Aspiration: Continue to focus CSIRO’s science investment, capability development and performance in areas of greatest impact and relevance. Activities: • Embed science direction setting – Embed and improve the science investment mechanisms set up under the 2003-07 Strategy including building on cross-cutting science strategies (ie. manufacturing, bioeconomy, agricultural sustainability) • Capability development – Implement coordinated capability planning and development (including skills renewal) to address current and future needs in support of science directions • Science excellence – Continue to develop mechanisms which support and promote CSIRO’s scientific excellence for future impact • Whole-of-investment approach – Finalise integration of the Science Investment Process with other organisational processes (including path to impact and market) • International engagement – Develop a more deliberate approach to international collaboration Outcomes: • Increased scale and quality of CSIRO science • Increased targeting of investment to develop scientific capability most relevant for Australia • CSIRO’s distinctive and complementary roles with other players in the National Innovation System is clearly established and duplications minimised
