Documents/CSIRO/1: National Challenges/1.2.2: Developing Science Hubs through Co-locations

1.2.2: Developing Science Hubs through Co-locations

Continue to build nationally significant integrated clusters of science capabilities with others in the National Innovation System to facilitate the development of critical mass, to help enhance science delivery for Australia.

Other Information:

Aspiration: Continue to build nationally significant integrated clusters of science capabilities with others in the National Innovation System to facilitate the development of critical mass, to help enhance science delivery for Australia. Activities such as: Identification of Science Hub opportunities – We will collaborate with other members of the National Innovation System to identify and build existing and new clusters around key capabilities, for example: • Minerals and Chemistry Precinct at Waterford, Western Australia • Queensland Centre for Advanced Technologies – Mining cluster in Pullenvale, Queensland • Clayton Consolidation – Niche manufacturing and climate sciences cluster in Clayton, Victoria • Tropical Science and Innovation Precinct – Tropical cluster in Townsville, Queensland • Australian Resources Research Centre in Western Australia. Outcomes: • Increased access to world-class research infrastructure by CSIRO, universities and industry results in more effective scientific collaborations and delivery • Better and faster development and adoption of technology through additional physical co-location and partnerships • Improved alignment of capital investment to priority research areas • Operating and capital cost-efficiencies realised through sharing of research and support resources
