Documents/CSIRO/1: National Challenges/1.1.2: Growing Flagship Collaborations

1.1.2: Growing Flagship Collaborations

Accelerate our delivery of Flagship goals by increasing the level of collaboration with world-leading research partners, both nationally and internationally.

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Aspiration: Accelerate our delivery of Flagship goals by increasing the level of collaboration with world leading partners, both nationally and internationally. Activities: • Increase collaboration across the National Innovation System to broaden the scope of collaborative projects as part of existing and new Flagship initiatives by: • Extending existing collaborative programs and other talent and industry focused initiatives • Broadening the CSIRO Postdoctoral Program and provide for more early-career high-achieving scientists and further develop our mid-career scientists • Creating a Smart Small to Medium Enterprise Program that will better integrate these enterprises in the delivery and utilisation of Flagship technologies. Outcomes: • An increased number of Australian students, mid career scientists, science leaders & international researchers working on major national challenges and opportunities aligned with Flagship goals • A wider impact from Flagship programs through broader collaboration, especially through Small to Medium Enterprise partnerships
